Thursday, November 10, 2005

What’s Not Covered In
The 12 Steps

That Is Essential To Freedom

What's Wrong With The 12 Steps? Absolutely Nothing! Everything they cover is helpful and good. The problem is what they don't cover. They don't cover what is necessary for a person to be free. This is a list of what's not covered.

1. The Person of Christ - Christ is our life
2. The Work of Christ - God’s only answer is in the cross
3. Forgiveness - God’s only answer for anger
4. Our identity in Christ
5. Grace - God’s method of dealing with us
6. Faith -The only way we receive all that God has for us
7. God’s unconditional love and acceptance
8. The part and work of the Holy Spirit
9. An answer for guilt and condemnation
10. That the battle is in the mind
11. Our position in Christ gives us victory over Satan
12. Spiritual warfare - How to win the battle
13. Our co-crucifixion frees us from power of sin
14. Dying to the law frees us from performing
15. Dying to the world frees us from demands of others
16. The part of the flesh (our learned independence)
17. Prayer
18. The Word of God

In essence the 12 Steps are most likely the best program for enabling a person to cope with a problem, but they lack the necessary components to set a person free. This should not come as a surprise as freedom is only found through Christ. In Romans 7:24 Paul did not say, "What will set me free?" There is no "what", program that will set you free. He said "Who will set me free?" The answer is "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" (Romans 7:25). And as Jesus said, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:36).


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